The Boys of Company K: Ohio Cavalry Soldiers in the West During the Civil War

The Boys of Company K: Ohio Cavalry Soldiers in the West During the Civil War

The Boys of Company K: Ohio Cavalry Soldiers in the West During the Civil War

By Lee M. Cullimore

They volunteered to fight in the Civil War. Instead they were sent to Fort Laramie. This is the story of the Б─°boysБ─²Б─■ privates, corporals, and sergeantsБ─■who built and manned remote outposts and guarded the trails and telegraphs lines on the isolated Western Frontier. Here is the story of the ordinary soldiers of the Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Company K, as they experienced boredom, violence, extremes in weather, lack of training and supplies, and loneliness.

  • • 978-1-937147-01-3 • 336 pp • trade paper • $18.95 ORDER NOW
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